Olympian High School Field Trip – Your child should’ve received a permission slip for our upcoming field trip to Olympian High School. Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, we will be walking to Olympian High to watch the drama department’s presentation of Alice in Wonderland. Please sign and return. Thank you!
Nightly Homework – Please make sure your child is getting daily practice by ensuring they do their homework nightly, Monday through Friday. Students will utilize a daily planner to keep track of daily practice. Please initial nightly and sign at the end of the week. Every night, your child should be:
- Reading for at least 30 minutes
- Completing approximately 20 minutes of math practice on either Teams or iReady
- Playing iReady for 15 minutes, Monday through Thursday
Accelerated Reader – Since this is week eight out of ten for this quarter, your student should be around 90% of their AR goal. We expect all students in sixth grade to read for one hour each day, Monday through Friday. Students read for 30 minutes in class daily and should also be reading for 30 minutes for homework.
Important Dates
- December 20th – Last Day of Second Quarter
- January 14th, 2025 – First Day of Third Quarter (minimum day)