APEX Fundraiser and Event – We are currently in the middle of our biggest schoolwide fundraiser of the year, the APEX Fun Run! Students are currently learning motivating lesson from the wonderful APEX coaches and preparing for the big day. If you would like to donate or just make your child’s shirt size, please visit: www.myapexevent.com.
The big race day will be this Thursday, September 5th. Students will receive a free t-shirt and may want to bring a change of clothes and some extra water. Have fun and thank you for helping our school!
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-ups – Your child should’ve taken home a Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up sheet last week. If you have not already done so, please mark your top choices to help us schedule conferences starting next week. We look forward to meeting with everyone and sharing current data and goals for your student. Please return the sign-up form as soon as possible. Thank you!
Nightly Homework – Please make sure your child is getting daily practice by ensuring they do their homework nightly, Monday through Friday. Students will utilize a daily planner to keep track of daily practice. Please initial nightly and sign at the end of the week. Every night, your child should be:
- Reading for at least 30 minutes
- Completing approximately 20 minutes of assigned math practice on either iReady or Teams
- Playing iReady My Path for 15 minutes of differentiated practice, Monday through Thursday
Accelerated Reader – As we close out this quarter, you child should be finishing their Accelerated Reader goal. We expect all students in sixth grade to read for one hour each day, Monday through Friday. Students read for 30 minutes in class daily and should also be reading for 30 minutes for homework.
Since this is week seven out of nine for this quarter, your student should be around 78% of their AR goal. You can stay updated with your child’s progress by logging into AR HOMECONNECT utilizing the link on the right column (To login, use your child’s six digit ID and the password is their initials lowercased and birthday (i.e.xx01012001). Once logged in, you can add your email address and receive a message every time your child finishes a book and takes an Accelerated Reader quiz.
Important Dates
- September 12th – 19th – Parent/Teacher Conferences
- September 20th – Last Day of First Quarter
- October 8th – First Day of Second Quarter (minimum day)