Fall Break – We have reached our first break! We wish everyone a fantastic fall break and we are so proud of the progress of all of our students! Please take time to relax and recharge before second quarter. Make sure to spend time with family and enjoy a good book. School will resume on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024. We’ll see you in two weeks!!!
Parent-Teacher Conferences – We will continue with Parent Teacher Conferences all this week. Please remember, students will be dismissed at 1:45pm. This schedule will remain for the rest of the week. The last day of this quarter will be September 20th and students will enjoy a two-week break before the start of the second quarter. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Accelerated Reader – As we close out this quarter, you child should be finishing their Accelerated Reader goal. We expect all students in sixth grade to read for one hour each day, Monday through Friday. Students read for 30 minutes in class daily and should also be reading for 30 minutes for homework. Since this is week nine out of nine for this quarter, your student should be at 100% of their AR goal. You can stay updated with your child’s progress by logging into AR HOMECONNECT utilizing the link on the right column (To login, use your child’s six digit ID and the password is their initials lowercased and birthday (i.e.xx01012001). Once logged in, you can add your email address and receive a message every time your child finishes a book and takes an Accelerated Reader quiz.
Important Dates
- September 12th – 19th – Parent/Teacher Conferences
- September 20th – Last Day of First Quarter
- October 8th – First Day of Second Quarter (minimum day)