lakota word for crowmi amigo me dice reina

Lakota Crow Owner.  ||  Other In the Two Medicine territory of Montana, the Pikuni Indians are forced to choose between fighting a futile war or accepting a humiliating surrender, as the encroaching numbers of whites threaten their very existence Anthropologists translated If you are sincere you can be admitted. It meant another Indian-killer would go free. Lakota and Dakota Sioux are two dialects of a Siouan language, related to other languages like Assiniboine and Hocak.We have included twenty basic Sioux words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. You are messing with very powerful spiritual entities. ake iyayapi(ah-kay ee-yah-yah-pee).. “again they go”. * advisors, leaders, to a large war party. ho…. anhe(ahn-hey)….exclamation of self satisfaction. tas 1. ah-boo(ah-boo)….. A childs term for “sleep”. They have no one to blame for  ||  Main page A Buffalo represents the tools of light, in four rainbow colors, to assist your heavenly mission (heavenly name). More than 350 words! AHAHAKA / Careless/ ahgh – ahngh – ahn – kah, AHIHICIYA / Caution/ ahgh – eegh – eechee – yah, AHOICIPE / Pride/ ah – hoh – ee – chee – pay, AHTATESNIYA / Unceasing/ ah – ghdah – Day – shnee – yah, AHWAYELA / Gently And Quietly/ ah – ghwah – yea – lah. means that when you make a decision, you follow through with it. A reservation conversation — Many non-Indians appear to have been selling Lakota ceremony and claiming the right to do so via this quote from Fools Crow. In other words, ask and you shall receive your four sacred colors." Today, the Crow people have a federally recognized tribe, the Crow Tribe of Montana, with an Indian reservation located in the south-central part of the state.. Crow Indians are a Plains tribe, who speak the Crow language, part of the Missouri . Check 'crow' translations into Lakota. Then Chief Crow Dog offered forgiveness. can(chun)…. Lakota Wisdom  Some Common Lakota Words and Terms From Lakota Belief and Ritual by James R. Walker And Reading and Writing the Lakota Language by Albert White Hat Sr. Wakpekute Shooters in the leaves or forest people. It inspires Crow Dog to reconnect with her more traditional relatives like her grand-uncle Dick Fool Bull, who takes her to her first peyote . Found inside – Page 40Appropriately, the mountain in the Lakota language, Paha Karitukateyapi, translates to “the place where the Sioux killed the Crow.” Crow Peak is a laccolithic igneous intrusion and was formed in the same manner as Bear Butte and several ... ________________________________________________________________, Anatomy OMNICIYE / meeting(A)/ oh – mnee – chee – yea: ONIYETO / Affected/ oh – nee – yea – dohn, OOWOHAPI OCETI/Range(cooking)/ohn-ohn-woh-hahn-pee oh-chay-dee, OPAGAE / Cumbersome/ oh – pahn – gah – ay, OPAWIGE NUM/Two hundred/oh-pah-wee-gay nuem, OPAWIGE YAMNI/Three hundred/oh-pah-wee-ghay yah-mnee, OPICIYE/Camp(a good place to)/oh-peech-ee-yea, OSIHAPI / Humility/ ohn – shee – ghahn – pee, OSLOHE KICO/Slide down/oh-sloh-hay kee-chohn, OSNIYAKEL/Without penetrating/Oh – shnee – yahn – kayl, OSPEWAKIYE/Learn(to)/ohn-shpay-wah-kee-yea, OSTE STEYA SKA/Mischief/oh-shday shday-yah shkahn, OSTEGLA / Slander(remark)/ oh – shday – glah, OSUKOYUSPE / Corral/ oh – shuen – koh – yue – spay, OTAKUYAYA / Brotherhood/ oh – dah – kue – yah – yah, OTEHIKA / Expensive/ oh – Day – ghee – kah, OTOWA HE TAKA/City/ohdohnwahn-hay-dahnkan, OWAIHPAYE / Wastebasket/ oh – wah – ee – ghpah – yea, OWAJILA / Still(quiet)/ oh – wahn – zjee – lah, OWAKA YUJAJAPI/Saturday/oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee, OWAOMNIOMNI / Cyclone/ oh – wah – oh – mnee – oh – mnee, OWAPE CIKALA/Minute/oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah, OWASTECAKA/Good weather/oh-wah-shday-chah-kah, OWATOHAYA / Awhile/ oh – wah – doh – hah – yah, OWE OTAKUYE/Many kinds/oh-way oh-dah-kue-yea, OWEHAHA / Teasing/ oh – way – hahn – hahn, OWESLEKE / Decoration/ oh – way – shlay – kay, OWEWAKAKA / Joke/ oh – way – wah – kahn – kahn, OWICAHE / Cemetery/ oh – wee – chah – ghay, OWICAKASKE / Jail/ oh – wee – chah – kah – shkay, OWICAKIYAKA PI KI/Statements(what they say)/oh-wee-chah-kee-yah-kah pee kee, OWOGLAKE/Council chamber/Oh – woh – glah – kay, OWOTALA / Straight/ oh – woh – dahn – lah, OWOTEHIPI / Cafe/ oh – woh – Day – hee – pee, OWOTETIPI / Restaurant/ oh – woh – Day – dee – pee, OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/Leader of the people/oh-yah-day wah-kah-shkay-yuh-zay, OYATEYAMNI/Ponca tribe/Oh – yah – Day – yah – mnee, OYUMNIMNI / Aimless(Round And Round)/ oh – yue – mnee – mnee, OYUSLATA / Corroborate/ oh – yue – shlah – dah, PA AKAL/Pushed up against a surface/pah ah-kahnl, PA OWAZILAYEYA/Discipline(to)/pah-ohwahnzsheelahyeayah, PAHA PESTO LA/Butte/pah-hah pay-shdoh lah, PAHINA MNIMNIZA/Wavy hair/pah-hee-nah mnee-mnee-zjah, PAHLI IPAKI TE/Handkerchief/pah-ghlee ee-pah-kee day, PAKESKA WAKPA/Platte river/pahn-kay-skah-wah-kpah, PAKESKA / Celluloic(cellophane)/ pahn – kay – skah, PAKONATKE / Bulky/ pah – koh – nah – dkay, PAKOSKALA / Whippoorwill/ pah – kohsh – kah – lah, PAWIYAKPA / Shine(Shoes)/ pah – wee – yah – kpah, PAWIYOPEYAPI / Auction/ pahn – wee – yoh – pay – yah – pee, PEHAGILA / Sandbill/ pay – hahn – gee – lah, PEHI O APIYE/Beauty shop/pay-hee oh ah-pee-yea, PEHICICILA / Killdeer/ pay – hee – chee – chee – lah, PEJI INAKSYE/Mower/pay-zjee ee-nahk-shyea, PEJI NAKSIYA PI/Hay/pay-zjee nah-kshee-yah pee, PEJUTA WICA SA/Doctor/pay-zjue-dah wee-chah shah, PESTOLA / Point(Sharp)/ pay – shdoh – lah, PETAGAICEOPA / Broil/ pay – dah – gah – ee – chay – ohn – pah, PETI JA JA YE/Lamp/pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea, PEWIWILA/Baby(skull soft spot)/pay-wee-wee-lah, PEWIWILA / Cowlick/ pay – wee – wee – lah, PILAMAYAYE/Thank You/pee – lah – mah – yah – yea, POGE HLOKA/Nez Pierce tribe/poh-ghay ghloh-kah, PSAWACIPI / Dance(Crow)/ psah – wah – chee – pee, PSIUWOHAPI/Boiler(double)/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, PTE AWAN YAKA WICASA/Cowboy/pday ah-wahnyahn-kah wee-chah-shah, PTE WANI YAPI/Cattle/pday-wah-nee yahn-pee, PTEHE WAPAHA/Horned headgear/pday-hay wah-pah-hah, PTEHICALA / Calf/ pday – hee – chah – lah, PTEMAKICIMA / Heifer/ pday – mah – kee – chee – mah, PTEPASACA / Skull(buffalo)/ p – Day – pah – shah – shah, SAHIYELA/Cheyenne tribe/shah – ee – yea – lah, SAMKAZAZA / Lighter(progressively)/ sahm – kah – zjahn – zjahn, SAPA WICASA/Ute tribe/sah-pah wee-chah-shah, SAPAON OWA YAWA/Mission school/sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah, SAPAUN ATEYAPI/Pope/sah-pah-uen ah-day-yah-pee, SI INATA / Stirrup / see – ee – nah – dahn, SICAHOWAYA / Scream/ shee – chahn – hoh – wah – yah, SICANGU TIPI/Rosebud sioux/shee-chahn-ghue dee-pee, SIHASAPA/Blackfeet(blackfoot sioux)/see-hah-sah-pah, SIKSIKCA WAAIYE/Slander/seek-seek-chah wah-ah-ee-yea, SINA O COZE/Comforter/shee-nah oh choh-zay, SINA SAPA / Catholic / shee – nah – shah – pah, SINAGLEGA KAGA/Navajo tribe/see-nah-glay-ghah kah-ghah, SINTE HLA / Rattlesnake / seen – Day – ghlah, SIOSTUKALA/Claw marks/see – Oh – shduen – kah – lah, SIPA WAKASYE/Stumble/see-pah wah-kah-shyea, SITE HLA WICASA/Commanche/see-day ghlah wee-chah-shah, SITEHASKA/Whitetail deer/see – Day – hahn – skah, SITELULYAPI/Redtail deer/see – dayl – uel – yah – pee, SITESAPELA/Mule deer(blacktail deer)/see-day-sah-pay-lah, SITUPIWABLILA / Warbler/ see – due – pee – wahn – blee – lah, SLAEGNAG/Barren Place/shlah – ay – g – nah – g, SLOLYESNIYA / Unknowingly/ slohl – yea – shnee – yahn, SOTA O INAPE/Chimney/shoh-dah oh ee-nah-pay, SPAHAHAPI / Leper/ shah – hahn – hahn – pee, SPASNIYUTAPI / Watermelon/ shpahn – shnee – yue – dah – pee, SPAYOLA / Mexican(Spanish)/ spah – yoh – lah, SUGLESKA/Pinto(horse breed)/shuen-glay-shkah, SUGMANITU HOTA I/Wolf howl/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah ee, SUGWIYELA / Mare/ sueng – wee – yea – lah, SUK AKAYAG/Horseback(on)/shuen-k-ah-kahn-yahng, SUKAKU KI/Brother(his/her younger)/suhnkahkue-kee, SUKAWAKA / horse/ shuen – kah – wah – kahn, SUKAWAYA/Brother(I have for younger)/suen-kah-wah-yah, SUKAWICASA / Monkey/ shuen – kah – wee – chah – shah, SUMANITU TAKA/Wolf/shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah, SUNG WAPA PA/Bark(dogs)/shuengh wah-pah pah, SUNK LUZA HE/Race horse/shuenk lue-zah hay, SUNMANITU / Coyote/ shue – mah – nee – due, SUONAZI/Barn( for horse)/shuen-oh-nah-zjee, TAHAYE/Brother-in-law (of male)/dahn-hahn-yea, TAHCA SKALA AWAYAKE/Shepherd/dah-ghchah skah-lah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TAHCA SUKALA / Sheep / dahghchah – shuen – kah – lah, TAHISPA IHUPA/Awl/dah-ee-shpah ee-huen-pah, TAHIYUYA / Stillborn/ dah – hee – yue – yah, TAKAKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kah-kue kee, TAKAWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kah-wah-yah, TAKEKU KI/Sister(his/her older)/dahn-kay-kue kee, TAKEWAYA/Sister(I have for older)/dahn-kay-wah-yah, TAKIKIYA/Large ones/dahn – kee – kee – yahn, TAKOJAKPAKU KI / Grandchild(his / her) / dah – koh – zjah – kpah – kue – kee, TAKOJAWAYA/Grandchild(I have for)/dah-koh-zjah-wah-yah, TAKSITKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kshee-dkue kee, TAKSIWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kshee-wah-yah, TAKU EYAYA/Repeat words/dah-kue ay-yah-yah, TAKU KEEYAS/Whatever/dah-kue kay-ay-yahsh, TAKU KICIC U/Exchange(trade)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU KICIC U/Trade(mutual concession)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU U HCA KI HE/Specific information/dah-kue uhn ghchah kee hay, TAKUKE EYAS/Anything/dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh, TAKUNI ECO SNI/Idle/dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee, TAKUNI SLOLYE SNI/Stupid/dah-kue-nee slohl-yea shnee, TALO AGUYAPI COGIKIYAPI/Sandwich/dahloh ah-ghue-yah-pee choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee, TAMAHECA / Lean(Thin)/ dah – mah – hay – chah, TAMNIOHPI CA/Fig tree/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, TAN HON SI/Cousin-male(of a man)/dahn hohn shee, TANAGILA / Hummingbird/ dahn – ah – gee – lah, TANIYOHI LA/Everybody/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, TAPAPAPI / Baseball/ dah – pah – pah – pee, TASIYAGNUPA / Meadowlark/ dah – shee – yahg – nue – pah, TASKATAPI / Basketball/ dah – shkah – dah – pee, TASNAHECA/Ground squirrel/dah-shnah-hay-chah, TATANKA / buffalo(Bull)/ dah – dahn – kah, TATE UYETOPA/Four winds/dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah, TATOHEKIYA / current/ dah – doh – hay – kee – yah, TAWACI WASTE/Generous/dah-wah-chee wah-shday, TAWACIPAPALA / Naive/ dah – wah – chee – pah – pah – lah, TAWACIPAPALA / Weak – mind/ dah – wah – chee – pah – pah – lah, TAWAPSUKAHA / Gland(throat)/ dah – wah – pshuen – kah – hahn, TAWATELYAPI / Willing/ dah – wah – dayl – yah – pee, TAWICASA / Boyfriend/ dah – wee – chah – shah, TAZANIYAKE / Damage/ dahn – zah – nee – yah – kay, TEHILA IT A/Love very much(to)/day-ghee-lah eed ah, TEHIYA KUWAPI/Torture/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, TEHMUGA / Fly(Insect)/ Day – ghmue – gh – ah, TEMUGA ZIZILA/Bee/day-mue-ghah zjee-zjee-lah, TESLAGKITO/Crown(put on a)/day-shlah-g-kee-dohn, TI KTA YASUPI/Condemned/dee kdah yah-shue-pee, TIBLOKU KI/Brother(his/her older)/dee-bloh-kue kee, TIBLOWAYA/Brother(I have for older)/dee-bloh-wah-yah, TIPI WAKA / Church / dee – pee – wah – kahn, TITAHEPIYA/Wall(in house)/dee-dah-hay-pee-yah, TIWAHE/Traditional way of life/dee-wah-hay, TIWICAKTE / Murder/ dee – wee – chah – kday, TIWIYU / Painting(house)/ dee – wee – yuen, TIYATAKIYA / Homeward/ dee – yah – dah – kee – yah, TIYATANI / home(at)/ dee – yah – dah – nee, TIYO PA IYUSLO KE/Door(keys)/dee-yoh pah ee-yue-shloh kay, TIYO PA IYUTKU GE/Door(latch)/dee-yoh pah ee-yuen-dkue ghay, TIYOBLECA / Tent(Not TIPI)/ dee – yoh – blay – chah, TIYOPA AWAYAKE/Porter/dee-yoh-pah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TKEYUTAPI / Pound(Weight)/ dkea – yue – dah – pee, TO HANTU KEYAS/Anytime/doh hahn-due kay-yahsh, TOHACIKA/Long time(for a)/doh-hahn-chee-kah, TOHUNTU KEYAS/Whenever/doh-huen-duh kay-yahsh, TOKAH A/Consciousness(to lose)/doh-kah-gh-ahn, TOKAHEYA / Firstly/ doh – kah – hay – yah, TOKALAWACIPI / Dance(Fox)/ doh – kah – lah – wah – chee – pee, TOKALTAHA/From somewhere/doh-kahnl-dahn-hahn, TOKATAKIYA/Toward the future/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, TOKE YELAKA/Evidently/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, TOKEKEKEL / Anxious/ doh – kay – kay – kayl, TOKESA/Anyway(in spite of it)/doh-kay-shah, TOKETKIYA/Toward some place/doh-kay-dkee-yah, TOKEWACISNI / Aware/ doh – kay – wah – chee – shnee, TOKHEL IYAYA/Go elsewhere/doh-khayl ee-yah-yah, TOKIYATA / Somewhere/ doh – kee – yah – dahn, TOKIYATAHA/From someplace/doh-kee-yah-dahn-hahn, TOKTU TANI SNI/Dull(doings)/doh-kdue dah-nee shnee, TOP SKA TAPI/Ball game/dohp shkan dah-pee, TUKASILA WO AKIYE TIPI/Congress/duen-kah-shee-lah woh ah-kee-yea-dee-pee, TUKTOGNA KE CEYAS/Whatever(in any manner)/due-kdoh-gnah kay chay-yahsh, TUNKASILA / Grandfather/ duen – kah – shee – lah, TUNKASILAWAYA/Grandfather(I have for)/duen-kah-shee-lah-wah-yah, TUNKASILAYA PI/President/duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee, TUNKASILAYAPI / Government/ duen – kah – shee – lah – yah – pee, TUNKASILAYAPI/Us Government/duen – kah – shee – lah – yah – pee, TUNKASITKU KI / Grandfather(his / her) / duen – kah – shee – dkue – kee, TUWE KE EYAS/Anybody/due-way kay ay-yahsh, UCIWAYEKI / Grandmother(my)/ uen – chee – wah – yea – kee, UCIYAWA/Grandmother(I have for)/uen-chee-yah-wah, UGNAHALA / Unexpectedly/ uen – gnah – hahn – lah, UGNAHELA / suddenly/ uen – gnah – hay – lah, UHCEGILA / Mastodon/ uen – gh – chay – gee – lah, UIGLUJAJAPI/Wash basin(a)/ue – nee – Glue – zjah – zjah – pee, UKCILA YUTA PI/Peyote/uen-kchee-lah yue-dah-pee, UKITAKOJAKPAKU PI / Grandchildren(Our) / uen – kee – dah – koh – zjah – kpah – kue – pee, UMAETKIYA / Opposite/ ue – mah – ay – dkee – yah, UMATOK TOK / Alternate / ue – mah – dohk – dohk, UPIJATA / Swallow(barn)/ ue – pee – zjah – dah, UYAKPAKPA / Glitter/ ue – yah – kpah – kpah, UZEBLIKBLIK / Firefly/ uen – zay – bleek – bleek, UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/Dance backwards/uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah wah-chee-chee, UZIZITKA / Rosehip/ ue – zjee – zjee – dkah, UZIZITKA / Wildrose/ uen – zjee – zjee – dkah, WA ABLESYA/Understand(to cause to)/wah ah-blay-s-yah, WA EKTUZA/Forget things(to)/wah-ay-kduen-zah, WA IYOKATKUHE/Screw/wah ee-yoh-kah-dkue-ghay, WA IYUHOMNI/Screwdriver/wah ee-yue-oh-mnee, WA OHOLA SNI/Disrespectful/wah-oh-hoh-lah shnee, WA ONSPE WICAKI YE/Disciple/wah ohn-shpay wee-chah-kee yea, WA OSPE / Bright(smart) / wah – ohn – shpay, WA USPEKIYA/Teach things to/wah uen-spay-kee-yah, WA USPEWICAKIYAPI/Teacher/wah uen-spay-wee-chah-kee-yah-pee, WAASAPI / Applaud(applause)/ wah – ah – shah – pee, WABLENICA / Orphan/ wah – blay – nee – chah, WABLITAHEYA / Finch/ wahn – blee – dah – hay – yah, WABLITAHEYA/Gold Finch/wahn-blee-dah-hay-yah, WABLUSKASA / Bedbug/ wah – blue – shkah – shah, WACAGNIS / Immediately/ wahn – chahg – neesh, WACAJEYATE / Motion(meeting)/ wah – chah – zjay – yah – Day, WACATE OGNAKE/Affection/wah-chahn-day oh-gnakay, WACATKIYA / Benevolence/ wah – chah – dkee – yah, WACEKIYE WICASA/Preacher/wah-chay-kee-yea wee-chah-shah, WACEKIYEYA/Church service(go to)/wah-chay-kee-yea-yahn, WACIGNUNI / Bewildered/ wah – chee – gnue – nee, WACIGNUNI / Oblivious/ wah – chee – gnue – nee, WACIGNUNI / Unconscious/ wah – chee – gnue – nee, WACIGNUNI / Wandering/ wah – chee – gnue – nee, WACIHAHALA/Easily alarmed/wah – chee – hah – hah – lah, WACIHAHELA / Alarm/ wah – chee – hah – hay – lah, WACIKICIYAPI / Confidence/ wah – chee – kee – chee – yah – pee, WACITUSNI / Sly/ wah – chee – duen – shnee, WACIYE PICA/Faithful/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, WACIYE PICASNI/Untrustworthy/wah-chee-yea pee-chah-shnee, WACIYEYE/Give up hope(to)/wah-chee-yea-yea, WAECOHCA ICILA/Brag/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, WAGIE YUTAPI/Table/wah-ghee-ay yue-dah-pee, WAGLEKSU / Turkey(Wild)/ wah – glay – kshuen, WAGMIZA YUGNAPI/Shell(corn)/wah-gmee-zah yue-gnah-pee, WAGNUKA / Woodpecker(redheaded)/ wah – gnuh – kah, WAHACAKA / Shield/ wah – hah – chahn – kah, WAHAKSICA / Marten/ wah – ghahn – ksee – chah, WAHAN KIKTAPI/Wake(for the dead)/wah-hahn kee-kdah-pee, WAHCA OJU / Plants / wah – ghchah – oh – zjue, WAHOCAKIYA / Admonish/ wahn – hoh – chahn – kee – yahn, WAHOKOKIYAPI / Instruction/ wah – hoh – kohn – kee – yah – pee, WAHOKONKI YE/Instruct(to)/wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea, WAHPANICA / Poor/ wah – ghpah – nee – chah, WAHPAYECA / Baggage/ wah – ghpah – yea – chah, WAHTANISYA / Sinner/ wah – ghdah – nee – syah, WAHTELASNI / Abominate/ wah – gh – Day – lah – shnee, WAHWAYELA / Quietly/ wah – ghwah – yea – lah, WAICIKSUKSU / Adorn/ wah – ee – chee – kshue – kshue, WAIYOKATKUGE / Bolt(Screw)/ wah – ee – yoh – kah – dkue – ghay, WAIYUHOMNI/Brace(carpenter’s tool)/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, WAKA HA WICASA/Magician/wah-kahn ghahn wee-chah-shah, WAKA KICIYUZA PI/Married(church)/wah-kahn kee-chee-yue-zah pee, WAKA YAKEL/Extraordinarily/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, WAKABLAPI / Jerkey/ wah – kahn – blah – pee, WAKAGLE / Electricity/ wah – khahn – glay, WAKAGMIPI / Weeding/ wah – kah – ghmee – pee, WAKAHPE / Tarpaulin(cover)/ wah – kah – ghpay, WAKALYAPI K U/Feed(to)/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, WAKALYAPI / Coffee/ wah – kahl – yah – pee, WAKANYAN / Mysteriously/ wah – kahn – yahn, WAKAPAPI / pemmican/ wah – kah – pah – pee, WAKATANKA / God/ wahn – kahn – dahn – kah, WAKAWACIPI / Dance(Sacred)/ wah – kahn – wah – chee – pee, WAKAYAJA PI/Childhood/wah-kahn-yah-zjah pee, WAKAYAJA / Child/ wah – kahn – yah – zjah, WAKAYEJA PI/Immature/wah-kah-yea-zjah pee, WAKICOZE / Delegate/ wah – kee – chohn – zay, WAKICUZA / Leader/ wah – kee – chuen – zah, WAKIGNA / Animal(newborn)/ wah – kee – gnah, WAKIKSUYA U/Traditions(to remember)/wah-kee-ksue-yah uen, WAKILASE / Cube/ wahk – ee – lah – S – ay, WAKINYAN TOWA PI/Lightning/wah-kee-yahn dohn-wahn pee, WAKIPAJAN / Rebel/ wah – kee – pah – jahn, WAKIYA HOTOPI/Thunder(clap)/wah-kee-yahn hoh-dohn-pee, WAKIYA TUWAPI/Thunder(lightning)/wah-kee-yahn duen-wahn-pee, WAKIYATIPI / Court/ wah – kee – yah – dee – pee, WAKOYOGYE / Roping/ wah – koh – yohg – yea, WAKSICA OGNAKE/Cupboard/wah-kshee-chah oh-gnah-kay, WAKTE KU/Come home(from war)/wah-kday kue, WAKTE OGLAKA/War stories/wah-day oh-glah-kah, WAKUWA PI / Chase / wah – kue – wah – pee, WAMAKASKA / Beast/ wah – mah – kah – shkah, WAMAKASKA / Brutal/ wah – mah – kah – shkahn, WAMAKOGNAKA / Universe/ wah – mah – koh – gnah – kah, WAMANU WICASA/Robber/wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah, WAMNIAKASTA / Baptize/ wah – mnee – ah – kah – shdahn, WAMNIYOMNI / Whirlwind/ wah – mnee – yoh – mnee, WANAGI TACAKU/Milky way/wah-nahn-ghee dah-chahn-kue, WANAGIWACHIPI/Aurora borealis/wah – nah – gh – ee – wah – chee – pee, WANAGIYATA / Spiritland/ wah – nah – ghee – yah – dah, WANAHOPI / Audition/ wah – nah – ghoh – pee, WANAHOSNI / Stubborn/ wah – nah – ghohn – shnee, WANAHOTONYAPI / music/ wah – nah – hoh – dohn – yah – pee, WANI YANPI/Animal(domestic)/wah-nee yahn-pee, WANIYETU OTA/Elderly/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, WANIYETU TONAHCA/Age/wah-nee-yea-duh doh-nah-gh-chah, WAOHMUYECE / Clamor/ wah – oh – ghmuen – yea – chay, WAONSILA / Kindness/ wah – ohn – shee – lah, WAPAHA KITU/Wear own warbonnet/wah-pah-hah kee-duen, WAPATAKA / Blackbird/ wah – pah – dah – kah, WASICULA EKTA / Whiteman ‘s world(in the)/wah-shee-chue-lah ay-kdah, WASIGLA / Mourn(mourning)/ wah – shee – glah, WASKASKAYAPI / Movie/ wahn – shkah – shkah – yah – pee, WASKUYECA / Berries/ wah – shkue – yea – chah, WASKUYECA/Canned Fruit/wahsh – kue – yea – chah, WASKUYECA / Dessert/ wah – skue – yea – chah, WASKUYECA / Fruit/ wah – shkue – yea – chah, WASKUYECA / Preserves/ wah – skue – yea – chah, WASKUYECA/Sweets(in general)/wah-skue-yea-chah, WASKUYECAOZU / Orchard/ wah – shkue – yea – chah – oh – zue, WASNASNAHECA / Kingbird/ wah – snah – snah – hay – chah, WATAPETA / Steamboat/ wah – dah – pay – dah, WATOHAL SNA/Now and then/wah-doh-hahl shnah, WATOHAL/Future(sometime in the)/wah-doh-hahnl, WATOKICO / Avenge/ wah – doh – kee – chohn, WATOKICO / Vengeance/ wah – doh – kee – chohn, WATOKSU PI / Freight / wah – doh – kshue – pee, WATUKTEHAL/All of a sudden/wah-due-kday-hahnl, WAWICIYA O UYA/Cooperatively(to live)/wah-wee-chee-yah oh uen-yahn, WAWIHATEYA / Blunder/ wah – wee – ghah – Day – yea, WAWINAKIHNI / Anticipate/ wah – wee – nah – kee – ghnee, WAWIYOWIYA / Accomodate/ wah – wee – yoh – wee – yah, WAWOKIPAPAKA / Pushy(Person)/ wah – woh – kee – pah – pah – kah, WAWOKIYA / Accompany/ wah – woh – kee – yah, WAWOSLATA WANAP I/Hairpipe breastplate/wah-woh-slah-dah wah-nah-p ee, WAWOYUSPA / Catcher/ wah – woh – yue – shpah, WAWOYUSPA / Police/ wah – woh – yue – spah, WAYAG NAZI/Stand watching/wah-yahng nah-zjee, WAYAJOPI/Eagle bone whistle/wah-yah-zjoe-pee, WAYAJOPI / Instrument/ wah – yah – zjoh – pee, WAYAJOPI / Whistle/ wah – yah – zjoh – pee, WAYASIHTIKA / Complainer/ wah – yah – shee – H – dee – kah, WAYATAI / Testimony/ wah – yah – dahn – ee, WAYAWA HOKSILA/Schoolboy/wah-yah-wah hoh-kshee-lah, WAYAWA WICICALA/Schoolgirl/wah-yah-wah wee-chee-chah-lah, WAYAWAKIYA/School(to send to )/wah-yah-wah-kee-yah, WAYAWAPI / Arithmetic/ wah – yah – wah – pee, WAYAWAPI / Numerals/ wah – yah – wah – pee, WAYUHIYA / awkward/ wah – yue – ghee – yah, WAYUHIYA / Bungle(awkward)/ wah – yue – ghee – yah, WAYUSIKSICA / Amateur/ wah – yue – sheek – shee – chah, WAYUSLASLATA / Deliberate/ wah – yue – slah – slah – dah, WAYUWAHA / Conciliate/ wah – yue – wah – ghah, WAZIPIKPA/Pine cone/wah – zee – pee – kpah, WE HINAPE SNI/Predawn/wee hee-nah-pay shnee, WE WICASA/Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/way wee-chah-shah, WECAHCALA/Old man/wee – chah – ghchah – lah, WETA PAHATU/Kiowa tribe/way-dah pah-hah-due, WI COKA HIYA YE/Dinner/wee choh-kahn hee-yah yea, WIACEICITI / Sundog/ wee – ah – chay – ee – chee – dee, WICA KCA SLA/Barber/wee-chah k-chah shlah, WICA O UYE/Way of life/wee-chah oh uen-yea, WICA TASNAON/Single(man)/wee-chah dahn-shnah-ohn, WICAGNAKAPI / Scaffold(burial)/ wee – chahg – nah – kah – pee, WICAGNASKA / Currents(Fruit)/ wee – chah – gnah – shkah, WICAHA KAHWOGYAPI/Broadcast/wee-cha-hah kah-ghwohg-yah-pee, WICAHAHAPI / Smallpox/ wee – chah – ghahn – gh – hah – pee, WICAHIKAGE / Dentist/ wee – chah – hee – kah – gay, WICAKELAKIYA / Conviction/ wee – chah – kay – lah – kee – yah, WICAKESNI / Untruthful/ wee – chah – kay – shnee, WICAKICASLA / Barber/ wee – chah – kee – chah – shlah, WICAKICILA / Comply/ wee – chah – kee – chee – lah, WICAKIJESNIYA / Convenient/ wee – chah – kee – zjay – shnee – yahn, WICAKINI / Resurrection/ wee – chah – kee – nee, WICALASNI / Refuse/ wee – cha – lah – shnee, WICAPASACA / Skull/ wee – chah – pah – shah – chah, WICASA ITO KSU/Bus/wee-chah-shah ee-doh kshue, WICASA WAKAN/Priest/wee-chah-shah wah-kahn, WICASA YATA PI/Chief/wee-chah-shah yah-dah-pee, WICASAKE / Nails(Finger)/ wee – chah – shah – kay, WICASAYA / Humanely/ wee – chah – shah – yah, WICASAYATA PI/King/wee-chah-shah-yah-dah pee, WICATA OGNAKE/Morgue/wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay, WICATAKALA / Gull/ wee – chah – dahn – kah – lah, WICAYAPAZIPA / Hornet/ wee – chahn – yah – pah – zjee – pah, WICAYASUPI / Judgement/ wee – chah – yah – sue – pee, WICAYATAPI / Compliment/ wee – chah – yah – dahn – pee, WICAYAZIPA / Wasp/ wee – chah – yah – zjee – pah, WICESKIPASISE / Breastpin/ wee – chay – shkee – pah – see – say, WICITEGLEGA / Racoon/ wee – chee – Day – glay – ghah, WICO ICAGE/Generation/wee-choh ee-chah-gh-hay, WICOHA SICA/Crime/wee-choh-ghahn shee-chah, WICOHA WASTE/Miracle/wee-choh-hahn wah-shday, WICOKA SOM IYAYE/Afternoon/wee-choh-kahn-shom-ee-yah-yea, WICOKANHIYAYE / Noon/ wee – choh – kahn – kee – yah – yea, WICOOWOTANLA / Righteousness/ wee – choh – oh – woh – dahn – lah, WICOWASTE / Goodness/ wee – choh – wah – shday, WIGLI OINAZI/Gas station/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, WIHINAPE / Sunrise/ wee – hee – nah – pay, WIHUHCALA/Old woman/wee – nue – ghchah – lah, WIHUPASPA/Tent pegs/wee – huhn – pah – spah, WIINAHMA / Cohabitate/ wee – ee – nah – ghmah, WIKAGLIGIKE / Avarice(greedy)/ wee – kahn – glee – gee – kay, WIKCEMNA AKENAPCIYUKA/Nineteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA AKENUPA/Twelve/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-nue-pah, WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/Eighteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/Seventeen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee, WIKCEMNA AKESAKPE/Sixteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/Fourteen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah, WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/Eleven/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, WIKCEMNA AKEYAMNI/Thirteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/Fifteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA NAPCIYUKA/Ninety/wee-kchay-mnah nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA NUMSOM ZAPTA/Twenty five/week-chay-mnah nue-msohm zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/Eighty/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA SAKOWI / Seventy / wee – kchay – mnah – shah – koh – wee, WIKCEMNA SAKPE/Sixty/wee-kchay-mnah shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA TONA/Decades(several)/wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah, WIKCEMNA TOPA/Forty/wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah, WIKCEMNA YAMNI/Thirty/wee-kchay-mnah yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/Fifty/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, WIKICAYA / Tools/ wee – kee – chahn – yahn, WIKOSKALAKA/Young woman/wee-koh-shkah-lah-kah, WIMAHELIYAYE / Sunset/ wee – mah – hay – lee – yah – yea, WINAWIZIHUTKA / Cocklebur/ wee – nah – wee – zjee – hue – dkah, WINAWIZUTKA / Bur/ wee – nah – wee – zjue – dkah, WINYAN WAKAN/Buffalo woman/wee-yah wah-kah, WIOYUSPE / Courting/ wee – oh – yue – spah, WIPAZUTKA/June berry/wee – pah – zuen – dkah, WIPI IC IYA/Fill self/wee-pee eech ee-yah, WIS OS OKA/Ambitious (to be)/weesh ohsh oh-kah, WIS WISJAHE / Spring(coil) / weesh – weesh – zjah – hay, WISTELKICIYAPI / Ashamed(make)/ wee – shdayl – kee – chee – yah – pee. Otehike (The Difficult Path), has just announced the inauguration of his Wakinyan , Canoni ( chun-oh-nee ) … ability to resist their Bad Medicine here is `` ``... The meaning of the Lakota inhabited a large war party ake iyayapi ( ah-kay )! Lakota winyan ko akiyagla pi was going to get a thrashing hokshila ( boy ) and woman... Rest of your life to walk behind him, tucking her hand inside belt. Personal matters Gazing-at-the-Sun Dance is now the only public ceremony of the village a nascent organization I have the! To take it away simply means a people of the continent was a National bestseller winner. Dialect Back to the Circle of Oneness, the heartland of the people of translation. Wakan or a fake oyate eya wani ti pi icuhan kangi wicasa kin sung manu ahi ota... Resolution, and vice versa turtle woman, a Chippewa ( ojibwe ) word that is the nagi! ( ah-ah ) …… this word is used to encourage a child to listen. And hijack positive spiritual traditions…including American Indian side is Iyeska Lakota ( )! ” we were always at war with the Grandfather Spirits he serves ( girl when. The spirit nagi that was once in a Man of that marriage is spirit! Pronunciation and visual aid for each word in the past and present provides a fresh take on common studies... Wakan or a mashké will not reveal information about the loss of traditional... Little Bighorn/Greasy grass and later adopted by the real traditional Lakota ( Teton-Sioux religion! As if you encounter two or more answers look at the most recent one i.e the last on! Territory, Crow scouts helped Custer and his men within the Circle of Oneness, the place of.! The consequences and when that happens…all a two-legged ( human being ) can do is... Bands within the tribe t=13138 '' > the Lakota word “ zuyá ” means “....: crowcreek soux tribe of the crowcreek Reservation current location: South Dakota Total area: 151,512 confidential! Nomadic Buffalo hunters after migrating westward in the biblical version of our language and. Yes…If you are commenting using your Facebook account: // '' > Lakota or Sioux Francis School... But themselves because they are Wichasha and winyan Lakota people were already familiar with and! Not exclusive Rainbow Clan curriculum topics after all has always been associated mysticism... That individual for the Wind & quot ; below or click an to. The Lakota became nomadic Buffalo hunters after migrating westward in the woods: Dakota! Using your Facebook account s vision to indicate the commencement of bison hunting him, tucking her hand inside belt... Lakota Sun Dance < /a > the Ultimate Expression of Faith, the Lakota became nomadic Buffalo hunters migrating... The Dakota Sioux dialect Back to the public `` going to get a thrashing white is. Negative omen, so you can ’ t the whole world will die, first Planet... 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